Stella Marie Juarez


Thursday, November 6, 2008

Oh Sheila

Sheila: "Did you hear about that 23 year old Russian girl who went missing from Homewood yesterday?"

Me: "I'm reading the article about it right now. How terrible."

Sheila: "Yeah, they knew something was wrong when she didn't pick up her baby from daycare."

Me: "Oh, it says here they already have a person of interest. I wonder if that means it may end up being a husband or boyfriend."

Sheila: "Probably, you know her baby is black."

Me: silence.


K. said...

i think it's official: she has moved past tiresome hatemonger territory and into the heartless bitch arena.

Anonymous said...

Couple questions...
1. HOW can you stand it?
2. Why is she still allowed to speak?

John-Bryan Hopkins said...

KEEP ON......

print every word she says

I will think of it as a daily none-Bible verse.....

What's Next? said...

OK ... I revise my previous comment. You punch her.