Stella Marie Juarez


Thursday, November 20, 2008

Take 2

Ok, I found this and Anna would love it!Anna and Marisa both would love this

But I think we'd need two of them so Martin and I could play too!

As much as it pains me to say it........they would both REALLY like this

I find basketball so incredibly boring but the girls love it. sigh.

They both really want new bikes.

They got new bikes about three years ago but we just got rid of them because they were waaay too small now!

Good thing kids are cheap huh ;)

1 comment:

Ole Miss Mom said...

Oooo..the laser tag and coloring stuff looks GREAT!!!

We just decided the kids BIG present is a trampoline! It went on sale for $149 at Academy!!!!! WOW...lowest all year!

I can't wait to give it to them!!