Stella Marie Juarez


Tuesday, October 7, 2008

A Stanky Surprise

Last night we celebrated Becky's birthday with a surprise party at Grey House Grille in Homewood. We decorated the table and got the must - an embarrassing birthday hat (pink and black metallic crown with "Birthday Princess" across the top).

Jeannie was able to pull off the surprise with no problem and Becky had a great night. We devoured multiple plates of the blue cheese potato chips, sipped on significant amounts of wine and enjoyed great company.

Hope you had a great one Becky!

Tonight will be a quiet night at home. We will watch the debate and then off to bed. This 5 a.m. thing is no fun!

Short post today - actually working!


John-Bryan Hopkins said...


jeannie told me about it and just reminded by me.......

Hope y'all had a good time.

can we do a "Do over"?

Happy B day Becky!!

K. said...

oh blue cheese potato chips, why must you tempt me so?!?!

happy birthday, roostah!

What's Next? said...

I know she was really tickled. I'm glad everyone was able to make it. Food was not great, but the company was wonderful.