Stella Marie Juarez


Friday, October 10, 2008

The Last Supper

Jeannie is heading to the lake with Amy for the weekend and couldn't imagine being gone all weekend without the Los Arcos Mexican style tacos. She asked us to go with her last night but Martin and I had been there the night before so I kept telling her we couldn't (and didn't need to!) go twice in two days. But that Jeannie is very convincing. So, of course, we ended up there.

Dinner was great like it always is and when we were leaving the owner brought us all a piece of flan to take home.

Ok so flan obviously doesn't photograph well. I'm not a big fan of flan but Manuel makes his with a layer of chocolate and a layer of coconut which makes it AMAZING. It is definitely the best flan I have ever had.

But get this - Martin wants to go back again tonight!!! Apparently, a bunch of our friends are going and invited us to join them. Seriously, I think the first step is admitting we have a problem. We DO NOT need to spend the money or eat that food again!

Tomorrow we are taking Tavi to Fall Preview Day at Birmingham Southern College. Sunday I have boot camp work to do - so far those are our only plans.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!


K. said...

hey, remember when martin was all, "you alllllllllllllways wanna go to los arcooooooos. why can't we go somewhere eeeeeeeeeeeeeeelse?"

'member that?

good times.

What's Next? said...

Well ... did ya go back? did ya? huh? huh? And don't talk to me about going two days in a row. I happen to KNOW you have done more than that.