Stella Marie Juarez


Friday, December 12, 2008

Thanks for Nothing Frosty

Yeah, yeah, yeah, everyone said it wouldn't snow. They were right. Mississippi and New Orleans got it all. No fair. It did get pretty cold though. So cold that this morning Talem stole Layla's warm bed.

Kicked her right out of it. It was pretty cute though - last night they were both crammed in there together. You can tell Talem is in charge at our house!

This weekend we are going to try to finish up Christmas and get the stocking stuffers for the girls. I started wrapping last night which is one of my favorite things about Christmas time! Christmas is almost here!

We will also be checking in on poor Jeannie. Her surgery yesterday went well but she is in a lot of pain today and hasn't been able to sleep.

Everyone keep her in your thoughts. You can do it Jeannie! Just think about the jumping jacks you'll be doing soon! We love you!

I hope everyone has a great weekend. Don't forget T-Fin's birthday is Monday! In lieu of gifts go to Books-A-Million and buy lots of stuff!


What's Next? said...

Yeah ... ready for this to be over with. It freaking hurts! Hope I can sleep tonight. See y'all this weekend...Thanks for checking on me.

Anonymous said...

this is a really nice blogger.. i know im a random person but i was just browsing around and i happen to find yours, you seem really happy with your just a teenager looking for something to dont mind me :] oh and congrats on the wedding part of your life! -Maria ..Age=17